Today is December 1st, the start of a new month, the last month of 2020, the start of the season! How does this make you feel? Emotions surfacing? I know for some this time has many mixed emotions which are perfectly normal as this season is a time for togetherness and many are missing their loved ones. However, I think 2020 has taught us that we need to celebrate life, friendships, love and charge ahead when we can, so I ask you, what is holding you back?
Perhaps we welcome December with open arms and see what this month has to offer us as we journey through. Be open and receptive filled with gratitude. Set your goals on how you want your December to be, what emotions do you want to release that maybe you have been harboring for most of this CoVid year.
What is holding you back?

I know that CoVid restrictions have given us a HUGE detour, how about you find the blessings along the detour? Why not see the detour as a way to experience new and exciting things? Yes, it will require a mindset shift, but with faith, determination and support, anything is possible.
What is holding you back from adding more adventure and excitement to your life? Stepping out of your comfort zone and finally doing the things you have wanted to do for so long? Do not allow circumstances to make your decisions for you...there is a solution to everything, a workaround so to speak.
How do you want to close off your last month of your 2020? What is holding you back?
I would love to hear from you! Let us work through your blocks together so that you can finish off 2020 on a high note.

Love & Blessings Always,
